Adventures in Music


This class provides a wonderful opportunity for a caregiver and child to make music together as they participate in singing songs, chants, finger plays, wiggles, bounces, listening and movement.

Students and their caregiver engage in a wide variety of musical activities, including singing and playing age-appropriate unpitched percussion instruments. Circle dances and structured movement activities are also crucial components.

Instruments that require fine motor skills are introduced. Students sing songs with wider vocal range and more intricate rhythmic patterns to develop pitch matching, solo singing, and sense of rhythm. Through musical stories, games, and activities, children are also introduced to basic rhythmic and melodic concepts.

Class activities and benefits include:

  • Instrument playing with age-appropriate un-pitched percussion instruments to encourage basic rhythmic competency, including ability to play a steady beat
  • Simple solo singing for improved listening and pitch matching skills
  • Movement activities to develop fine and gross motor skills
  • Expressive movement to music, leading to spatial awareness and control
  • Expanded repertoire of simple songs and musical games
  • Students begin to contribute their own ideas which is an important first step to improvisation.

Please note: All classes consist of 45 minutes of instructional time followed by 15 minutes of Community Time to talk with our expert teachers, ask questions about music and child development, meet other families, and provide social time for children.

First Musical 1


Stars aren’t born, they’re nurtured! In this class, we’ll use dramatic play to introduce elements of musical theatre including song, dance, and character building.We’ll work together to explore familiar stories incorporating musical elements. By learning the basics of performing in front of an audience, story structure, character traits, movement, and music, we’ll increase social skills and reinforce classroom behavior. There will be an in-class presentation at the end of each session.

Exploring and Discovering Music


This class explores music through games, movement, and instrument discovery. Using songs and musical games, children expand their musical vocabulary, pitch matching, and rhythmic abilities while developing their listening skills, concentration, and sense of timing. Each class provides a variety of age-appropriate musical activities that foster cognitive, physical, and social skills.

Class activities and benefits include:

  • Development of pitch matching skills through basic solo singing and singing games
  • Development of rhythmic skills including beat, meter, tempo and durational patterns
  • Exploration and improvisation using Orff instruments (pitched and un-pitched percussion instruments)
  • Expanded knowledge of musical instruments and instrument families
  • Development of social skills and cooperation through group activities such as dancing, playing and musical stories
  • Expanded repertoire of simple songs and musical games

Please note: All classes consist of 45 minutes of instructional time followed by 15 minutes of Community Time to talk with our expert teachers, ask questions about music and child development, meet other families, and provide social time for children.